Monday, April 2, 2012

You Never Know.

Mr. Rogers was an ordained minister, and that is something that inspired his career a lot.  I've read most of his books and most of the books written about him because he is a great hero of mine.

In one of his books he talks about his training learning to be a minister.  He and a friend had drove several hours to see a very renowned and famous minister give a sermon.  When he arrived, he was bitterly disappointed to learn that the minister was out of town and they had what-you-call-a-substitute minister.

He and his friend sat through the dry, boring minister.  He thought the sermon was terrible, and towards the end of the sermon he turned to the lady next to him to make a snarky comment about the quality of the sermon.  When he turned and looked at her, he saw she was so moved by the sermon that she was sitting in her pew bawling.

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